Transforming the
lives of cats on Paros
& Antiparos
Community cat care
Our community cat care project on the Cycladic islands of Paros and Antiparos - the largest cat population management project of its kind – is working to transform the health and welfare of the islands’ free roaming cats.
Our vision is that every cat in Greece is happy and healthy and is valued and cared for by the community in which they live.
Our Paros & Antiparos project is helping us to develop and refine our approach to comprehensive community cat care and demonstrate what’s possible, paving the way for a transformation in the lives of every last Greek cat.
3,803 cats neutered since April 2023
Report unneutered community cats
A central feature of our work to improve the lives of community cats is preventing the birth of new kittens. This is done by spaying or neutering, which tackles the challenge of over population at the same time as improving the health of individual cats.
Ear tipping involves surgically removing a small portion of a cat’s ear while the cat is under anaesthesia for spay or neuter surgery. Ear-tipping cats allows us to tell from a distance whether a community cat has been spayed or neutered.
Play your part in caring for the islands’ cats
For residents
If you live on either island you can help trap, transport and return community cats to their colonies once they have been sterilised. We also need more volunteer cat carers who help feed and monitor the islands’ cats.
For visitors
Cat loving visitors to the islands also have an important part to play in looking after our community cats. Find out more about how you can help a stray during your stay here.
Latest News
Transform the lives of Greece’s homeless cats
Greece is home to more than 3 million homeless cats.
Constantly searching for their next meal, at risk of injury and disease, these vulnerable cats can spend their entire lives without any veterinary care, shelter, or positive human contact.
Your donation will provide a vulnerable cat with veterinary treatment and care.
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